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Prices shown are MSRP. Dealers may sell for less. Marine & Industrial Dealers should contact sales@rigbytechnologies for a Trade Pricing login. Discounts are reflected in the cart at checkout.

Spinnaker Plait 3/8" x 600' (9mm x 183m)

SKU 46904
Color: white

Rigby Spinnaker Plaint is a lightweight buoyant single braid that can be quick-spliced. Like Dinghy Braid, Spinnaker Plait is 100% MFP, which means very light weight, buoyancy, and "shake-dry" - it doesn't absorb water. But unlike Dinghy Braid, it's a loose weave so it splices like a hollowbraid.


The MFP yarn is carefully selected, high-tenacity for this type of fiber at 7.0g/d or better. 100% of the MFP we utilize is also UV stabilized. 8-point plaited loose weave.

Key Attributes

  • Floats in water (Specific gravity 0.91 g/ml)
  • Wet strength loss is near zero
  • Resists rot, mildew, mold, and many chemicals
  • Spliceable
  • 9mm Dinghy has an average break strength of 2000lbs with a WLL of 10-15%
  • 9mm Dinghy has a linear density of approximately 39ft/lb (38g/m)

Useful wherever a good blend of buoyancy, and easy handling are required, as well as the option to quick-splice it.

Now manufactured in 7 standard solid colors!